Thomas Yee – Violin

Thomas Yee, violinist, is known for being a dynamic and versatile musician active as a soloist, collaborator, teacher, and orchestral performer. Mr. Yee is the Associate Concertmaster with the Monterey Symphony and a member of the Santa Rosa, Marin, and Santa Barbara Symphonies. Thomas tours with guitarist Jose Rodriguez as Duo Revirado playing classical, folk, Latin, jazz, and new music. They released a CD of Spanish/Tango music titled “Historia”. Thomas also performs as a husband/wife duo with pianist Jieun Yee, who is an accomplished pianist and teacher. His passion is to communicate to the audience through performing and inspire future generations through teaching. Thomas plays on an Italian violin by Leandro Bisiach from Milan made in 1896 and a contemporary bow by Robert Morrow of Seattle, WA.