Maxi & Raquel – Argentine Tango

Maxi and Raquel –
Maxi Copello was born “breathing” Tango, watching each of his father’s tango shows with awe and admiration and secretly taking classes of his own. His dance partner, Raquel Makow, began dancing at age ten. Pursuing ballroom (a sport she found essential), she won the 2011 National Portuguese Championship and toured the world, winning titles in the Czech Republic and Canada. However, it was at the age of 15 that she discovered her true passion: Tango. After Raquel abandoned her ballroom career to explore Tango in Buenos Aires, Maxi Copello and she met each other for the first time at the famous milonga Salón Canning. On the dance floor, they found their soulmate in tango, and from then on would tour professionally to convey their love of Tango. They are featured in many films and in the world’s top tango productions.